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Who is Coolmathcat
Years ago, Xavier was bored and doing math homework. When suddenly a misteruos cat appered. Xavier picked the creture up, and proclamed her to be Coolmathcat. Right after he did Coolmathcat finished all of Xavier's asingments for him. Coolmathcat now resides at a sweet in Bahamas. when ever she sences danger anywhere in the world, she rushes to the seen at half the speed of light, and fixes the problem. Coolmathcat is a true hero!
This is coolmatcat. She is COOL! do you see it now!?!?
What is Ginger Flaker
What is Ginger Flaker. Ginger Flaker Is a business located on a microscopic speck on the fur of My cat, Ginger. Ginger Flaker was created by my brother in 2023. The only customers at Ginger Flaker her are fleas. However, via the Internet, we are now able to visit Ginger Flaker online. There is no doubt; Ginger Flaker Is a COOL business! Check the Ginger Flaker website that my brother made!